Elevenses #17
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News & Opinion
- Google Maps is now officially a gaming platform
- Weekly most popular JS repositories. The grass is green
Principles of Chaos Engineering - Chaos Engineering manifesto. Basically turn stuff off and your system should handle it
- What Can Bike Sharing Apps Teach Us About Mobile On-boarding Design?
- How the EU made our website slow - bloomin’ VATMOSS - see also JSON vat
- When 7 KB Equals 7 MB - Cloud Four
DotNet Core / Azure
JavaScript / Angular2+ / Ionic2+ / ReactJS
- WebAssembly - Binary format for browsers, supported by all the main modern browsers.
- Hyperapp - 1 kB JavaScript framework for building web applications.
- Angular: NGXS - State management library
- Angular How-to: Call a REST API while bootstrapping angular 2 app
- Angular How-to: Editable Config Files
Libraries / Plugins / Components
- An Easy to Understand Webpack 4+ Configuration
- Weex - A framework for building Mobile, cross-platform UIs
Data / APIs
- JSON vat, see also JSON vat feed
- kepler.gl - Powerful open source geospatial analysis tool for large-scale data sets
- Solved by Flexbox — Cleaner, hack-free CSS - common flex box patterns
- VS Code Can Do That?
- Google Shopping List really useful when combined with OK Google
- reveal.js – The HTML Presentation Framework
- Hyper-V Android emulator support
- garris/BackstopJS: Catch CSS curve balls. - BackstopJS automates visual regression testing of your responsive web UI by comparing DOM screenshots over time
- Netlify: Build, deploy, and manage modern web projects - CI for GitHhub
- Does it mutate? - Does a given JavaScript method mutate?
- Brush Ninja | A FREE Hand-drawn Animated Gif editor - useful for creating animated gifs
- The whole of WordPress compiled to .NET Core and a NuGet Package with PeachPie
- Angular Tests Made Easy With Spectator
- Headless mode - Mozilla | MDN - Firefox headless testing
- End to End Testing Framework | Cypress.io - All encompassing unit test runner
- NPM - How to run a security audit with “npm audit”
- The npm Blog — The Node Security Platform is shutting down - nsp is now “npm audit”
- Dependabot - Assesses your github projects for vulnerabilities, and can create a pull request with the updates.
Social / Fun / Cool
- Famous Places - Guess where in the world you are, based on a Street View location
- Windows 95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows - Windows 95 as an Electron app … why? Dunno, but it’s cool!
- BASIC Engine - Kind of like a raspberry pi, but different … and with a BASIC interpreter .. think ZX Spectrum, in pi world ..
Funky code things
- Paul Lewis Money: Claim £200 to £500 for flight delays
- Have your say on transport in Leeds
- Armley Gyratory - improvement plans
Posted in : elevenses