Elevenses #15
Fix this pageIt’s been a while since the last edition, so bumper links today .
Feel free to suggest an article yourself. Naturally we’ll include your github handle as credit.
News & Opinion
- How We Adopted CSS Grid at Scale
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2018
- An Early Look at Capacitor (A New Native Bridge for Web Apps)
- How to Hand Code SVG
- 7 Practical Tips for Cheating at Design
- The easy way to turn a website into a progressive web app
- Announcing Capacitor 1.0.0 Alpha
- Improving the developer journey Pluralsight pairs up with StackOverflow
- DasSur.ma – Deep-copying in JavaScript
- Buying Bitcoin on your credit card? Not … not any more
- Angular - All Talks from ng-conf 2018
- The Git Rebase Introduction I Wish I’d Had
- How To Make A Drag-and-Drop File Uploader
- 11 Things I Learned Reading the CSS Grid specification
- The Full-Stack Guide to Actions for Google Assistant
DotNet Core / Azure
JavaScript / Angular2+ / Ionic2+ / ReactJS
- youmightnotneedjquery.com - how to do jQuery in “new world”
- A new Angular Service Worker — creating automatic progressive web apps
- Creating and Publishing Web Components with stenciljs
- Pagedraw design in sketch, export to React …
- angular-hub Lots of useful Angular2+ links
- The better way to write an API service for Angular2+
- A brief look at HTML 5.2 Dialog Nice, but suppport is sketchy …
- JS things I never knew existed
- Nrwl - Angular for the Enterprise
- 12 Things to Help Large Organizations…
- Introducing Angular Enterprise Playbook – nrwl
Libraries / Plugins / Components
- Download Over 16,000 Free Sound Effects from the BBC personal, educational or research purposes - you can buy for commercial use too
- nhnent/tui.chart: 🍞🍯 Beautiful charts charts! Everyone loves charts!
- Tabler - Admin panel made simple
- Micron.js - micro interaction library
- Introducing TensorFlow.js: Machine Learning in JavaScript!
- Animated SVG Radial Progress Bars
- Glide.js - A dependency-free JavaScript swipe library
- asciinema - Record and share your terminal sessions
- Konva - JavaScript 2d canvas library
- Coinbase Commerce — the Easiest Way for Merchants to Accept Digital Currency
- Free customizable SVG Backgrounds
- Bootstrap 4 themes and templates for ambitious developers
- fukol-grids responsive grid that fits in a tweet!
- Nice quick CSS colour names lookup
- I do like a nice modal
- Learn Flexbox for free - Scrimba.com
- Flexbox Froggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox an oldey, but still useful
- Quick Reminder that Details/Summary is the easiest way to make an accordion
- Let’s make multi-colored icons with CSS variables
- Checkbox switch, input element only
- Adele – Design Systems and Patterns
- Setup Azure Application Insights in 10 minutes
- dev-landing-page
- Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet - The ultimate cheatsheet
- dom-to-image
- CSS Gradient Generator
- osquery - Easily ask questions about your operating system
- Flutter - Beautiful native apps in record time Single codebase for iOS and Android apps - Open Source by Google
- Choose an open source license - Choose a License
Prettier - Opinionated Code Formatter warning: assumes spaces out of the box!??!?! but can be changed
- Setting up Prettier in an Angular CLI
- Dot Net SSL best practices
- Critical bug in 7-Zip – make sure you’re up to date
- Microsoft patches RDP vulnerability
- Protect your site from Cryptojacking
- badssl.com: Memorable site for testing clients against bad SSL configs
- Create your own developer landing page with Github pages
- Check the MOT history of a vehicle - GOV.UK
Social / Fun / Cool
- Ikea instructions
- MS-DOS games, running in your browser
- JSNES: A JavaScript NES emulator
- Family Guy Yourself courtesy of gp
Funky code things
- pixi.js who needs flash!
- CodePen - Animated SVG Avatar v2
- GitHub - tehnokv/picojs: A face detection library in 200 lines of JS
- Chat Widget with Angular Elements
- Julia Muzafarova on CodePen
- Ski Run – Recurss
- Cheapass Parallax - daverupert.com
- Parallax scrolling with CSS variables
- Pixel Play
Posted in : elevenses