Emailing event reminders in Outlook
I tend to use [event] reminders in Outlook a lot, as I’m sure lots of us do. However the downside is I end up with a mix of important (meetings) and not-so-important (defrag hard drive) reminders.
There’s a few tools for sending an email reminder as well as having the reminders window pop-up, but they’re mostly paid ones. It can’t be that difficult? And indeed it isn’t :)
All that’s required is a simple macro:
- Firstly enable the Developer Tab in Outlook
- Select Macros, then Macros again
- Click the Edit button
- Double click on ThisOutlookSession
- Copy and paste the code below into the code window
- Make any required changes to the constants at the top (i.e. your e-mail address)
- Restart Outlook for the changes to take effect
The Code
Public WithEvents objReminders As Outlook.Reminders
Const EMAIL_TO = "[email protected]"
Private Sub Application_StartUp()
Set objReminders = Application.Reminders
End Sub
Private Sub objReminders_ReminderFire(ByVal ReminderObject As Reminder)
Dim sendMsg As Boolean
Dim app As AppointmentItem
sendMsg = False
If SEND_WHEN_IMPORTANT And ReminderObject.Item.Importance >= olImportanceHigh Then
sendMsg = True
End If
If SEND_WHEN_INVITES And ReminderObject.Item.Recipients.Count > 1 Then
'' Note there''s always at least one person, i.e. YOU!
sendMsg = True
End If
If sendMsg Then
Dim body As String, subject As String
subject = ReminderObject.Caption & " at " & ReminderObject.Item.Start
body = "You have a meeting at " & ReminderObject.Item.Start
EmailReminder EMAIL_TO, subject, body
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EmailReminder(toEmail As String, subject As String, body As String)
Dim oMail As Outlook.mailItem
Set oMail = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
oMail.subject = subject
oMail.body = body
oMail.Recipients.Add (toEmail)
End Sub
When Outlook fires the reminder for an event in your calendar you will now get an e-mail sent too (which I for one tend to notice more).
It won’t send you an e-mail everytime though, only when:
- The event in your calendar has at least 2 people (there’s always 1 in them … you!). I’ve used this to flag this event as a meeting.
- The event in your calendar it’s flagged as Important. This is so you can add a normal reminder to do something, but you get an e-mail reminder as well.
One last thing to note is that you will get an e-mail everytime the event reminder is fired. So each time you Snooze you’ll get another email (when the event wakes up again).
Posted in : techie-stuff, tips